You have gotta love Bill Clinton. I mean, anybody that is willing to take this guy seriously at this point has got to be a jackass themselves. While wifey was off battling Obama, Billy boy opened his pie hole again before a packed Sunday service at one of the largest black churches in Washington, D.C. He offered an apology of sorts for racially tinged comments he made about Obama and his candidacy that have triggered a backlash in the black community and among many other Democrats.
Clinton invoked his "worship of a God of second chances." Well if anyone's been given second chances, it's certainly him.
Clinton had been criticized for asserting that Obama's characterization of his position on the Iraq war is a "fairy tale" and for comparing Obama's resounding victory in South Carolina to failed presidential candidate Jesse Jackson's wins there in the '80s.
He also recently fell asleep and had a dream during a January church service honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on MLK day. The service took place at the Covenant Avenue Baptist Church in Harlem. That's cause the dude is trolling on My Space all night long. Oh, Bill. You are so...predictable.
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