My worst suspicicion is starting to come to surface. Apparently more than just sleeping tablets and anti-anixety meds were found in Heath Ledger's room.
TMZ has confirmed with NYPD sources that cops found a $20 bill rolled up "in a certain way" with a powdered substance on it. Our sources say they don't know what the nature of the powder is, but it's being tested at the police lab.
CBS 2 in NYC is reporting cops found drug packets along with the $20 bill in Ledger's apartment.
Our sources say the manner in which the bill was rolled made them "suspicious."
I am having flashbacks to River Phoenix...This is a horrible ending for such a bright, young talent. His baby mama Michelle Williams was flying from Sweden to Brooklyn this morning with their young daughter Matilda to deal with this dark, traumatic time. I truly hope Ledger is finally at peace.
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